The real life adventures of a starving artist

Hello! This is the official re-launch of American Feather. You probably didn’t notice, but I took a sabbatical of sorts and I’d like to tell you why…


Last summer, I started this blog as a way to share with my friends and family (and anyone else who might care) my adventures as a starving artist. These adventures mostly revolved around my band that plays music for kids–the Sock Rockerz (<– check us out, we’re awesome!)–as we drove around the country touring library summer reading programs (Yes, we perform at libraries! Read more about that here). So, after the summer ended and we were in what I like to call the “off-season,” it’s only natural that the blog sort of just fizzled out as well. Part of the reason, I think, was that the whole point of this was to document my summer, so when summer ended, I had no more reason to write. After that, I tried here and there to keep it going, but at that point I had no clear vision for it, so there was simply no place for it to go.

These last six months or so, I’ve found myself thinking “What in the hell am I doing with my life?” Because I have all of these dreams and aspirations but I felt like I was all over the place. I’ve been trying to separate the “music me” the “acting me” the “writing me” and even the “Me me” by putting myself in all of these different little categories. Doing that has been like trying to force polar opposite magnets to stick together–impossible. As soon as one thing gains traction another begins to fall behind. I’ve known for a while now that what I needed was a place where I can bring all of these pieces together: my acting career, my music, my kid’s band, and even my writing and blogging and whatever may come up next. So then, it hit me: “American Feather!” I said, “That is the key!” This is the perfect place to spread out everything, nice and neat, so nothing gets shoved to the side or stacked on top of the other. Because, American Feather isn’t a place. It isn’t a blog. It’s me. I am an American Feather. And an American Feather rides lightly on the wind wherever it make take her. An American Feather has big dreams and lots of them and I intend to chase them all. Because anyone chasing a dream has to start somewhere.You don’t have to know where, but you DO have to start. *(Side Note: Doesn’t that last sentence sound like a line from the end of a Grey’s Anatomy episode? You’re welcome. 😉 )

I used to think that my pursuit of all of these different things (music, acting, writing, starting my own business, and who knows what else) was a flaw. That, because I could nbirdever choose between spreading my time evenly between several things at once, instead of just one thing, that I would always be at a disadvantage. I’ve even had friends tell me that it can’t be done–not effectively or successfully. You know what say? I say, screw them. I’ve discovered where my talents lie and I’ve decided put a fire under ALL of them instead of just one, and that my friends, is a big advantage if you ask me. A girl of many talents can be a force to reckon with. Let’s prove the haters wrong, shall we little Feathers?

Well friends, that is where I have been all this time, but I’m still not sure that I know exactly where I’m going. That’s all part of the fun though isn’t it? Welcome to the re-launch of American Feather: a place where you’ll find the real life adventures of
a starving artist
and her big, big dreams. I’ve come crawling back on my hands and knees, begging for WordPress to take me back after being MIA for the last few months and she’s accepted my return, journalwith grace, thankfully. So, what’s this blog going to be about you ask? Well, I can sit here and say that it’s going to be about the glamour of a performing artist’s life and career and my oh so dazzling summer travels…but that would be a pretty little lie. Because as a starving artist, I may be dancing in a mascot costume that’s a piece of bacon with a face (that was a weird day!). Or sleeping under the stars in South Dakota just because I can. Or running errands and opening mail for a full-time musician who doesn’t have the time. I might be selling t-shirts at a local acting ensemble’s production… Like I said, I’m a Feather on the wind and who knows which way it’s gonna blow!  Since last summer when I first launched American Feather, my life has changed and grown in so many crazy and exciting ways and I’m gushing over with all of the things I want to share. I hope that one day this becomes a community of Feathers sharing our adventures, interests, and real-life stories. I know I’m not the only one drifting on the wind…come hither little Feathers!

With love and warmth, welcome!



All American Feather.

3 thoughts on “The real life adventures of a starving artist

  1. Pingback: To The Faithful Seven | American Feather

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